you have a fast heart rate, high temperature, trembling and confusion – these are signs of too much thyroid hormone in the get shortness of breath with a cough that gets worse when you exercise (like walking up stairs), swollen ankles or legs, or an irregular heartbeat – these are signs of heart get shortness of breath, wheezing and tightening of the chest – these can be signs of lung problems.It's rare, but some people have serious side effects when taking metoprolol.Ĭall a doctor or call 111 straight away if: Speak to a doctor or pharmacist if the advice on how to cope does not help and a side effect is still bothering you or lasts more than a few days. If you're in a lot of pain, speak to your pharmacist or doctor. Putting a heat pad or covered hot water bottle on your stomach may also help. It can help to eat and drink slowly and have smaller and more frequent meals.